It was one month ago, when everything changed here in the blog and stills taken from videos generated with artificial intelligence reached the blog.
Video Generator:
While the last seven days two main aspects changed on the platform of Video Generator Hailuo AI
First the platform does not longer offer unlimited free access to the video generator. That is sad, but it was expectable. So I'm thankfull, that this incredible tool was accessable for free about a month long. At this moment, I haven't decided how to go on. We will see.
Second Hailuo started the image to video generation. Such a tool is offered on many ai video generating websites, but all those tools I have seen and tested only produced bullshit. Sorry to say that, but it's true.
But now with the new Hailuo tool we enter the magic space and it feels like being part of the Harry Potter universe, when you see long known photographic pictures moving suddenly. Incredible again.
Thank you Hailuo for your incredible tools to generate videos by text and to generate videos by pictures (and text in combination too, if you want). Yes, they are not perfect, but the results are better than everything I have seen before.
Ok, enough said, time to start with the demonstration, close to the blog and it's history. You may have realised before, that some of my favorite pictures are exhibited between all the texts and links on the right sidebar of the blog.
The picture of the cute czech singer Valerie Cizmarova with floral blouse and denim vest is a kind of prototype for the 1970s denim vest wearing woman for me, so she has the place at the top of the sidebar for a very long time.
So it was a special pleasure to awake her picture. And we can study one of the "problems" of awakening pictures just in the first result. After awakening the faces may change a bit and are not longer identical with the original. This also happened to Valeries face. But the result woman is also as cute as the original, so the "mistake" is forgivable. On the other hand, in my opinion the original Valerie was never as cute as here on the photo set from 1977, not before and not after.
I made a second awakening with another picture from Valeries 1977 photo set and I think, this worked very well. She was a real cutie back in those days of 1970s Czechoslovakia. Here the original:
Second highest portrait on the right sidebar shows Jackie Collins, the younger sister of actress Joan Collins.
It was part of another photo from 1977, showing both sisters:
I know this pictures for a very long time, about 40 years, when I saw it in a magazine, long time before Internet made lot of pictures accessable in every moment.
So it may be no surprise, that the first picture I have animated with the new Hailuo tool was the picture of Jackie.
Here are the vidcaps from the first Jackie video. I think they show the magic of the picture animation in a really good way. Jackies face stayed authentical and beautiful and yes, it's only a short sequence, but so much little things happen there.
I think, it was a denim vest with four buttons, Jackie wore on the set, but the button close to the bottom of the vest is covered by her hand and the button hole also covered by the other hand. So the AI only generated three buttons and button holes in the video.
I think it's good, that the AI isn't as smart as the human brain at this moment, so I will not complain.
When you used the text to video tool of Hailuo in the last weeks and you used the same text twice or more often, you never got the same video as result. Hailuo always created a new environment and new main actresses.
You will experience the same when using the picture to video tool. Activating the video generator with the same photo twice or more times will never end in the same video as result. This is the result of the second time I used the Jackie photo:
When I used the Jackie-photo a third time, I tried another option: picture and text to video in combination. Text was, that I wanted to see her buttoning the denimi vest. And this was the result:
I know, the AI of Hailuo isn't able to perform the buttoning process of clothings in a realistic way until now. But the important thing here is, that I was able to influence the actions in the image to video generated video by text.
As last step with Jackie I animated the whole picture of Jackie and older sister Joan:
Joan (born 1933) and Jackie (born 1937) were in the first half of their fourties, when the photo was taken in 1977. The women in the photo animation were made younger by the AI, so they look not as familiar as the single videos of Jackie, where the frames were set closer to the woman.
Time to leave Jackie now and movie to Arena Caliente, a Spanish flamenco pop group. The cover of their 1976 vinyl album MECEME is the third picture in the right side bar.
The plan was to animate this photo one time. Because I made a first mistake, I animated it three times. And because I made a second mistake, the text order with "touching and kissing" from an earlier animated photo was still written in the text field, the action in the three videos is similar. So if you use the photo to video tool together with the text tool, make sure to delete the text before you upload the next picture to animate!
Video 1:
Leaving Spain and moving to the German Democratic Republic behind the iron curtain. Beautiful German singer Sabine Bruhns wore a blue jean vest on the cover of her 1977 vinyl single HEY DU - GEFALL ICH DIR. The single cover is the fourth picture on the right sidebar.
I couldn't resist to also animate this single cover. Nothing spectacular happens, but I like the result.
More photo animations will follow soon...