Saturday, April 15, 2023

Jackie Collins 1977


One of my favorite pictures is this promotional photo from 1977, showing Jackie Collins together with sister Joan Collins. She was a beautiful lady in her denim on denim look. And I always wondered, if she still was able to button down her denim vest. The promotional photo is available in a colored version, but also in black & white and mirrored.

This wasn't the only pictures taken of the Collins sisters on that day in 1977, there are some more, but more rare than the picture above. If you know a source where more pictures of the set are available or in available in better quality or both, please let me know. This are two alternative pictures taken of the sisters:

Another black and white picture from the set, but only small and in low resolution:

One more update: I found one more alternative picture from the set with Jackie touching her hairs. Too bad, I found it so late, that the original version in larger resulition wasn't available anymore. 

All pictures were found in the world wide web at different sources.

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