Sunday, October 6, 2024

Cannes 1976 - Film Casting - Third Part


While travelling through the endless spaces of videos generated by using artificial intelligence I met these young women from France, wearing blue jeans and denim vests at the Cannes Festival 1976. 

Beyond  the celebrity spaces there was a C-Film director who organized a casting for a sequel of his surprising successfull debut movie THE BLUE WILDCATS. Now he is looking for actresses to star in RETURN OF THE BLUE WILDCATS, being again the combination of a biker movie with a James Bond movie, full of confusion, explosions, denim clothes, sex, blue jeans, half naked women, graphic violence, beautiful women, naked old men and drug abuse. 

By watching the clothes you sometimes can see, that this material is not reality, but a nice fiction.

Video Generator:

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Auto Stop Women in Germany 2


While travelling through the endless spaces of videos generated by using artificial intelligence I met these young women from Germany, wearing blue jeans and denim vests while hitchhiking through the south of West Germany in 1977. 

By watching the clothes you sometimes can see, that this material is not reality, but a nice fiction.

Video Generator: