Friday, May 17, 2024



Japanese actress Rei Maki ( 牧れい ) was part of the cast of the 1976-1977 Japanese TV-series The Supergirl (ザ・スーパーガール). I know the pictures of  bound Rei Maki for some years, but I was never sure, if it is really a denim vest what she wears. Now I know, it is one, thanks to the set photo above. 

If you want to go deeper into it:

Vidcaps from episode 5, not in chronological order:

Seretta Wilson


American born British actress Seretta Wilson wore a blue denim waistcoat in the 1974 British TV-series THRILLER, season 2, episode 4, Killer with two faces.

Vintage denim vest by 4ever


Sometimes you can see, that a denim vest is older than one decade. For example her, were the metal button have changed their look after oxidation. Following the button design the jeans company, that designed this vintage denim vest, was named 4ever. Found in the WWW