Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Lima cewek jagoan


Lima cewek jagoan aka 5 cewek jagoan aka Five deadly angels is an Indonesian movie from 1980. One of the main actresses wears a denim on denim outfit at the end of the movie, with blue jeans, striped shirt and denim vest. 

I'm not used to distinguishing  Asian women's faces, so I'm not sure, if the actress with the denim vest is Debbie Cynthia Dewi...

....or Eva Arnaz

There are some black and white photos available from Eva, showing her maybe clothed with a denim vest. 

Let's start with the movie itself. Sequences showing the moment, when the actress joins the denim vest in front of the camera, are really rare. So I enjoyed the moment and took some vidcaps of it. Actress with denim vest is on the total left.

It seems, that almost every second movie filmed in Asia while the 1970s was a Martial Art movie. So it is no surprise to find also Martial Arts Fighting between the action sequences of this movie.

At the end of the movie are all bad bad enemies punished and the Five Deadly Angels were united again:

It seems, that this was not the end. In 1981 followed a sequel: Cewek Jagoan Beraksi Kembali aka Deadly Angels Strike Back. Maybe later....I first have to watch out for it. And the denim vest is also back again. Watch this Teaser picture:

Update to this post: Lima cewek jagoan again

Cewek Jagoan Beraksi Kembali

Maggie Mae


German Singer Maggie Mae wearing denim on denim on the cover of a 1974 vinyl single, with blue jeans and a denim vest. Found in the WWW

Vintage denim vest by 49R


I found this classic vintage denim vest by Belgian jeans company 49R in the WWW.

I think, it was this kind of vest in a lighter shade, that was worn by Catrin Cremer / Catrin Pröpper / Catrin Sommer from the German singer duo CATRIN & HORST on the cover of a vinyl single from 1976:

49R is pronounced Forty Niner, sponsored the soccer team of Belgian city Brügge and may was named after the Forty Niners, the men that were part of the Californian Gold Rush of 1948 / 1849, were the history of the (Levi's) jeans started.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Evelyn Opela


Czech-German actress Evelyn Opela appeared in a magazine home story in 1974 wearing denim on denim with a jeans skirt, a white blouse and a denim vest. Found in the WWW

Andrea & Günther


German music duo Andrea & Günter on promotion pictures from 1974 with Andrea wearing a denim on denim outfit with blue jeans, green blouse and denim vest. Found in the WWW