Sunday, December 24, 2023

Когда я стану великаном


I had a closer look at the 1978 Soviet movie Когда я стану великаном because of this young woman named Марина Шиманская playing a young teacher.

But she did not appear with a denim vest in the movie. In a party scene close to the end of the movie I finally found another cute young woman in a denim on denim outfit. First I thought, she was only an extra, but she has a smaller supporting role with text, here on the right together with one of the main actresses:


Her name is НАТАЛЬЯ ХОЛОДКОВА and here she is with her classic denim on denim outfit, including denim skirt, white blouse and denim vest:

Maybe I named the wrong actress, but I'm not sure. On a website with the cast there is another woman named to be the denim vest wearing girl. Her name is Юля Песецкая. Judge yourself:

First Наталья Холодкова

Second Юля Песецкая