Saturday, December 23, 2023

Bandera Rota


Two actresses in the dark Mexican movie BANDERA ROTA (Broken Flag) from 1978 or 1979 appeared with a denim vest while the movie: Tina Romero and Yogi Ruge. 

(Tina Romero)

(Yogi Ruge)

Peter Voss, der Millionendieb


Actress Myriam Dreifuss wears a dark denim outfit with skirt and vest in the 9th episode of 1977 German TV-series PETER VOSS, DER MILLIONENDIEB. 

A part of this episode is set in Japan. One Japanese woman in the local film crew wears a nice denim vest. 

Friday, December 22, 2023



A collection of younger and older COWGIRLS and COUNTRY GIRLS, all wearing denim and blue jean vests. Found in the WWW