Sunday, October 1, 2023

Apostol Éva


Hugarian model  Apostol Éva with a denim vest in the 1970s. The pictures of  Éva were found at the fantastic magyar hungarian blog retromagyarfotomodellek

fade out denim vest


A beautiful vintage denim vest from the past. FADE OUT shall not be the brand of the jeans company, but an attention sign for the owner to be careful washing the piece with other clothings, because the indigo color may FADE OUT while the washing process.

Fortepan Women


I found some Magyar women from the 1970s with denim vests on a great Hungarian website named FORTEPAN. Some a younger and some are older. The cute first one above and below was pictured while some kind of a newsreader casting. I love this picture!!!  

Patz Dóri


Hugarian model Patz Dóri with a denim vest in the 1970s. The pictures of  Dorottya were found at the fantastic magyar hungarian blog retromagyarfotomodellek

from the newspapers


Some photographed or painted women, that appeared in newspapers wearing denim waistcoats in the second half of the 1970s. Some of them because they are beautiful and sexy, some of them because of advertise reasons.



A woman from the 1970s, wearing glasses and a blue jean vest. Found at ebay

Denim on Denim


You want denim on denim? Wear vintage blue jeans from Wrangler and a vintage denim vest by Levi's. Found in the WWW