Sunday, August 20, 2023

Khaneh Kharab - فیلم خانه خراب


There is a young actress in the 1975 pre-revolutional Persian movie KHANEH KHARAB wearing an outfit with blue jean vest more than one time. I wasn't able to find out her name, she plays the daughter-in-law Ferangis in the movie.

Parts of the movie are kind of loud and chaotic and fast. For example, when the family is attacked by a mouse (!)

Other day, other shirt, but blue jeans and denim vest again:

Marshal Jeans


Cute vintage denim waistcoat by Marshal Jeans. Found in the WWW

you will find the waistcoat here

and a vintage advertise for Marshal Jeans, showing a cowgirl with denim waistcoat (Janine Meyer via Spiegel)

Fashion Week Munich 1976


A short clip from the Fashion Week Munich 1976, aired in Spanish TV. The denim vest worn here by the model looks like one from HIS jeans.

You can also see the denim vest by HIS Jeans here: