Friday, August 4, 2023

Morena y Clara


It is 1976 again and many singers are fighting to get the chance to represent their country in the European Song Contest. So do Morena y Clara from Spain, wearing cowgirl outfits with blue jeans and denim vests and presenting two songs in the national pre-contest.

This vintage vest look similar, but is not exactly the same:

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Camping Girl


Young blonde woman wears a jeans vest while camping outdoors with friends. Found in the WWW

Treffpunkt Deutsch


Retroversum posted a German School TV episode from 1979, showing a teenage couple shopping in a big city (Munich) and losing the little sister of the teenage boy in the crowd. The teenage girl wears blue jeans, a sweater and a denim vest. 

Pentimento Waistcoat


A cute little denim waistcoat by Pentimento Jeans. Found in the WWW

Link to the waistcoat at