Hindu actress Neetu Singh wearing a denim waistcoat in the 1978 Hindu action movie KASME VAADE.
Dedicated to all the beautiful women around the world wearing denim jeans vests while the 1970s this may also be some kind of online museum for the jean vests and denim waistcoats, that were an important part of the fashion in the 70s.
Cute German actress Roswitha Marks appeared with denim vest in the longtime German police series Polizeiruf 110 in 1978.
A young woman with jeans vest from a farm in Finland, shown on Suomi TV. I wasn't able to find the exact place, where I took the vid caps some months ago, but I think it was here: https://yle.fi/
Found the source (Osa 2: Maailmalle):
A vintage blue jean vest made by HIS Jeans. Found in the WWW
And another piece from the same company (Henry I. Siegel):