Sunday, June 25, 2023

Monika Niemczyk - Second part


Monika Niemczyk appeared in the Polish TV Series "07 zglos sie", Episode 7, Brudna Sprawa from 1978. She plays a prostitute wearing a denim vest at the beginning of the episode.

Sequence 6 - Hotel Wardrobe

Sequence 7 - Hotel Restrooms

Sequence 8 - Walking

Sequence 9 - Hotel Bar

Sequence 10 - Hotel Wardrobe, Leaving

Carol Hawkins


Carol Hawkins wore a denim waistcoat in the British movie "Carry on behind" from 1975. Found in the WWW.

Carol Hawkins


British actress Carol Hawkins wore a denim waistcoat in some of the second season episodes of "Mr. Big" in 1977. 

Episodes known for Carol wearing denim waistcoat are "Easy Money" and "The Squatters".