Saturday, June 24, 2023

Zora Vesecká


Beautiful Czech actress Zora Vesecká in a czech tv-movie, wearing a blue jean vest. The youtube video isn't available anymore and I'm not sure with the movie. It may be "jak namalovat ptáčka" from 1980, maybe it isn't. Hope I find out again later. Pictures are not chronological.

Paradise Jeans


A denim vest made by Paradise Jeans long long ago. Found in the WWW

Sarolta Zalatnay


Hungarian actress Sarolta Zalatnay with white T-Shirt, skirt and denim vest in 1975. Photo by Istvan Bara. Found in the WWW

Sheila O'Connor in La Boum


Dreams are my reality! Yes, but my favorite girl in the French teen classic  La Boum from 1980 wasn't Sophie Marceau, it was French actress Sheila O'Connor, because she wore a oversized 70s denim vest while the first minutes of the movie.