Sunday, May 14, 2023

Her favorite outfit


I know, the picture is some kind of blurry, but it had to go a long long way passing analog and digital media, before it arrived in the WWW. I like the way she's clothed. Denim on denim, blue jeans and a denim vest and nothing more.

Update: After seeing this post is still in the top ten for about a year I add some more pictures, created by playing with the original sources, to find out more about the picture.

Googoosh - گوگوش


More pictures from 1970s Iran / Persia. Googoosh was a real It-Girl or style icon back in the days in the 70s Iran. She appeared in hundreds of outfits, also some denim on denim. Found in the WWW

Sonya Dujin


Sonya is a very early denim vest wearing girl. And there is a reason for it. She got the denim outfit in 1971, because she was Miss Levi Strauss 1971.

Anna Javorková


I'm sorry, I didn't save enough dates, when I took the vidcaps more than two years ago. And maybe there also happened a mistake, when I wrote down the name, because it seems there is no one to google with the name "Anna Jarkokova". So here are pictures from a czech or a slovakian actress, maybe with the name above, appearing in a film in the 1970s, but I cannot name the name of the film. Maybe I find the video once again, then there may be a opportunity for more data. But she is a beautiful person with a cute denim vest.

First mystery solved after about a year. I found out, that I wrote down the name in a wrong way. Right way and name is ANNA JAVORKOVA. She is a Slovakian actress. Now I just have to find the right movie, where she appeared here. 

Catalogue page


Women in denim, from a Montgomery Spring / Summer catalogue 1977, found in the WWW

Silvester Dance


Filmed on 8mm on New Years Eve 1977, one woman wears a blue denim vest - from Digit wdr

Saturday, May 13, 2023

behind girl


Girl with blue jean vest, pictured in the 1970s. Found in the WWW